A better way to learn programming
Learn to code with 10,000+ interactive challenges. Gain XP, unlock achievements and level up. Our bite-sized challenges are a shortcut through the coding maze.

The Fastest Way To Learn
Everyone knows the fastest way to learn a spoken language is by having conversations with native speakers. Likewise, the fastest way to learn to code is by actually coding. Edabit offers an almost limitless supply of bite-sized exercises, so you can rapidly advance your abilities.
The Easiest Way To Learn
Do you feel like you’re stuck between learning material that’s too easy and material that’s too hard? Once the basics are learned, you will realize everything is made for either a total beginner or an advanced coder. Edabit bridges this gap. You start on easy and progress at your own pace until you're able to master the toughest coding exercises.

The Most Addictive Way To Learn
Edabit simulates what programming is like in the real world while removing the tedious, non-educational parts. We add simple game mechanics to make the learning process fun and addictive. Gain XP, unlock achievements and level up.