from the Author of best selling book
Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual
"If you're a developer, green or a veteran, you owe it to yourself to read The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide."
Jason Down | Platform Developer, Igloo Software
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide

How To Learn Your First (Or Your Next) Programming Language , Level Up Your Technical Skills , Ace Your Programming Interview , and Land the Challenging and Fulfilling Software Development Job of Your Dreams

The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide

​hit the Wall Street Journal best seller list,

​as well as Amazon Charts

What You Will Learn in This Book

How to systematically find and fill the gaps in your technical knowledge so you can face any new challenge with confidence
Should you take contract work—or hold out for a salaried position?Which will earn you more, what the tradeoffs are, and how your personality should sway your choice
Should you learn JavaScript, C#, Python, C++? How to decide which programming language you should master first
Ever notice how every job ever posted requires "3-5 years of experience," which you don't have? Simple solution for this frustrating chicken-and-egg problem that allows you to build legitimate job experience while you learn to code
Is earning a computer science degree a necessity—or a total waste of time? How to get a college degree that accelerates your career without burying you under a mountain of debt
Interviewer tells you, "Dress code is casual around here—the whole  development team wears flipflops." What should you wear?
Coding bootcamps—some are great, others are complete scams. How to tell the difference so you don't find yourself cheated out of $10,000
An inside look at the recruiting industry. What that "friendly" recruiter really wants from you, how they get paid, and how to avoid getting pigeonholed into a job you'll hate
How do you deal with a boss who's a micromanager. Plus how helping your manager with his goals can make you the MVP of your team
The must-know technical skills that every professional developer should have—but no one teaches you
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The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide

who should read this book


You're tinkering around with learning your first programming language. Every new problem you solve with code puts a smile on your face, and you're starting to think, "Hey, could I do this for a living?" In this book you'll discover what it's like to be a professional software developer, how to go from "I know some code" to possessing the skills to work on a development team, how to speed along your learning by avoiding common beginner traps, and how to decide whether you should invest in a programming degree or "bootcamp."
Looking to Land That First Programming Job

Are you a college student or a self-taught programmer who's hoping to land that first programming job? This book will show you how to ensure you have the technical skills your future boss is looking for, create a resume that leaps off a hiring manager's desk, escape the "no work experience" trap, and present yourself during your interview like the confident, eager professional you are.
Mid-Career Developers
Aiming to Move Up the Ladder

You have a few years of professional programming experience under your belt. Now you're looking for a raise or a promotion to a senior developer or team lead position. You'll see how to find and fill in gaps in your technical knowledge, position yourself as the one team member your boss can't live without, and turn those dreaded annual reviews into chance to make an iron-clad case for your salary bump.
SENIOR Developers
Asking: "Where Should I Go From Here?"

Has your salary and advancement hit the software developer "glass ceiling"? The traditional programmer career track will only take you so far. There are ways to bust through and increase your salary—and the enjoyment and satisfaction you get from your work. This book will show you how to become a specialist who can command above-market wages, how building a name for yourself can make opportunities come to you, and how to decide whether consulting or entrepreneurship are paths you should pursue.

about the author

john sonmez

John Sonmez is the author of the perennial top-selling

Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual, and the founder of Simple Programmer.

John started his software development career at 10, hacking C and C++ to create virtual worlds for his favorite MUDs.

In The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide, John shares the principles and knowledge that took him from teenage hacker to highly paid senior development and consulting positions—and by age 33, early retirement and a second career as an entrepreneur.

John's journey was no rocket-ship ride to success. He's candid about the fits and starts he struggled through during much of his career,like getting "laid off" from his first real development job after under whelming his boss with his C++ skills, and a spectacular implosion during an intense onsite interview with Microsoft.

Eventually though John realized that there's a huge difference between knowing how to program and how to be a successful, professional software developer—and he set out to develop the technical, leadership and communication skills he lacked.

John went on to become a highly paid consultant in test automation and Agile methodology, and the 55 courses he published with PluralSight makes him one of the most prolific online trainers in the field of software development.

John effectively retired at 33 and moved to San Diego with his wife and daughter.

Today he runs the hugely popular Simple Programmer blog and YouTube channel, where he helps more than 1.4 million developers every year to master the career and life skills that made all the difference in his career.

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The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide
It's 12:36 AM ... And I'm Fired Up!
It's 12:36 am... and I'm fired up now after reading this. Especially since I am less than a week away from starting a new job after deciding that my current development job of nearly 14 years was no longer enough for me. Reading the section on advancing your career has been very near and dear to my current situation and my view on a lot of things. It has actually helped validate some of my recent decisions and laid some of my doubts to rest... so thanks for that. The timing for this was perfect!
If you're a developer, green or a veteran, you owe it to yourself to read The Complete Software Developer Career Guide.
- Jason Down
Platform Developer, Igloo Software Kitchener | Ontario, Canada
I Wish I Had This When I Started My Career
I can testify that this book is a must-read.
And preferably a first read for anyone seeking to enter the software industry. Or learn programming. Or decide if they want to learn it.
I wish I could've read it in the beginning of my career—I would not have lost so much time and effort as I did.
- Oleksii Fedorov
Senior Software Engineer, Pivotal
Berlin, Germany
Easy To Understand—Even If You Don't Have A Technical Background
This book is different from all other software development books I have read because it deals with the human side of software development.
Even though as software developers we are surrounded with the latest technology, we are still people with feelings, fears and dreams, and John's book focuses on that.
Software development is a real challenge to master, but thanks to John’s friendly tone and informal writing style, it’s never been easier to understand—even if you don’t have a technical background.
- Cosmin Pupăză
Software Developer, Programming Apprentice | Bucharest, Romania
I Would Have Avoided Years Of Wasted Time
The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide is a great resource that I wish that I had years earlier in my career and in my education.
The insights in this book would have helped me to avoid years of wasted time with an unfocused education and an unfocused career.
- Aaron Thomas
Software Engineering Consultant & Co-Founder, Enovi LLC |
Henderson, NV
I'm 15 Years Old, Learning Fast, and Crushing Obstacles
I'm a 15 year old high school student from Szeged, Hungary.
After I read John's advice on technologies and how to learn them, I was able to have a well-rounded conversation with a CEO of a coding company.
He was impressed and invited me to his company to learn coding. I am getting taught about different languages and stacks.
It is hard as hell but with the learning process I read about in this book I crush the obstacles. I no longer prepare for learning for weeks and months. I developed a learning pace and it is beyond what I thought I was capable of.
- Norbert Hajagos
High School Student | Szeged, Hungary
Easy To Understand—Even If You Don't Have A Technical Background
John has such a down-to-earth style of writing, that I feel like he's talking directly to me. All of his advice is dead on.
The chapter on dressing for success in particular provides unique and valuable advice. His concept of "being a contradiction" makes so much sense.
The entire book is filled with great advice but that one chapter is the advice that I need to follow to take my career to the next level.
- Fernando Z.
Senior Software Developer, Blogger and Programming Fanatic | Central Texas
Life-Changing Insights
John's book gives developers insight in how to advance your career at worst, and changes your life at best.
The parts on how to brand yourself and how focus on a niche that suits you best made my career advance faster and made me receive cool offers in my inbox on a near monthly basis.
- Edwin Klesman
Cross-Platform mobile developer
Get It Even If You're NOT In Software Development
Invaluable advice for any software developer, from entry-level to senior. Honest, no BS advice. Easy-to-understand, accessible, and comedic writing style.
So good, you may want to get it even if you AREN'T in software development.
- Brandon Chun
Prototyping Engineer | Syracuse, NY
Made Me Feel More Experienced And Knowledgeable
Every university, course, coding bootcamp, etc. should encourage future developers to read this book.John's style of writing is captivating and I definitely felt wiser after reading it.It gave me a more vivid picture of the software industry, made me rethink some of my choices, but most importantly, it filled in some gaps, instantly making me feel more experienced and knowledgeable.
- Dimitris Loukas
Software Engineer | Athens, Greece
Not Just For Beginners—Guaranteed To Make You A Better Developer
When I first started reading this book I was skeptical. When I saw chapter titles like "Dealing with Coworkers" or "How to Dress" I thought the book would only be for beginners. After reading it I changed my mind. Not only is this book great for beginners, it is also great for experienced developers. Even if you have tons of experience, it will "tell" you what you know in a way that will make you want to act. I think the advice in this book is guaranteed to make you a better developer and more importantly, a better person.
- Rui Figueiredo
Software Developer and Computer Science PhD Author of | Dublin, Ireland
I Can't Believe I've Wasted So Much Time In My Career
I can't believe I've wasted so much time in my career. Things like "the boy scout rule" and the effective debugging would have climbed me to a higher ground.In this book, John points you (even if you are an experienced developer) to go to the moon.
- Lincoln Pires
Software Developer, Sanepar | Curitiba, PR - Brazil

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