Beginning iOS 7 Development

Written By John Sonmez

It has been a while since my first iOS course for Pluralsight.  Several things have changed with iOS development using Objective-C.  Perhaps, the biggest change is the use of storyboards instead of manually transitioning between views in iOS.

So, I created this new course, Beginning iOS 7 Development, to provide a fresh tutorial on getting started with iOS 7 development using Objective-C.

So, check it out if you are interested in iOS 7 development.


And here is the official course description:

Starting to learn iOS application development can be intimidating if you don’t have much experience with a Mac and haven’t used Objective-C. But, it doesn’t have to be a painful experience.

In this course, I’ll show you the basics of creating an iOS application as we build a complete iOS application learning what we need to know about Objective-C along the way.

We’ll start out by learning a little bit about iOS in general and the iOS development environment.

Then, we’ll jump right in and create out first Hello World iOS application as we set up our development environment and learn the basics of the IDE we use for iOS development, Xcode.

After that, I’ll show you the core things you need to know to build any application, how to build a user interface and interact with it. We’ll learn how to use Xcode’s Interface Builder tool to create a very basic IU and interact with it.

Once we’ve got the basics covered, we’ll start building our first real application. We’ll learn a few new concepts as we build our application, like how to use the iOS storyboarding feature to creating a multi-screen application and how to setup navigation in our application.

Finally, we’ll finish up our iOS application by learning how to add user settings to the app and how to show the user a simple notification through the use of alerts.

So, if you are looking to get started with iOS development and are looking for an easy and gentle way to get introduced to the environment and tools while building a real application, this course is exactly what you need. You won’t be an expert at iOS development after taking this course, but this course will definitely give you a head start in learning the platform and show you the basics you need to know before taking a more advanced course.

Quick side note: if you are stopping here reading this post, you are probably the kind of developer that cares about your career.  I'm putting together a complete package full of information on how to really boost you software development career and increase your earning potential.  It is only available for preorder right now.  I'm only going to be selling it at this heavily discounted price for a short time.  I'll also have some exclusive interview with famous software developers like Bob Martin, Jon Skeet, and Jeff Atwood sharing their secrets to their success.