DO NOT Enroll in a CODING BOOTCAMP Until You Hear THIS

Written By John Sonmez

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Transcript Of The Video

John Sonmez:

Today I thought I would talk about how to succeed in a programming bootcamp. You know, I've heard some good things about bootcamps, but can you really learn to code in three months? Can you really get a job without a degree, without a resume, right? Without all that experience is someone really going to hire you for a good programming job? The answer is yes, but … And the but is what I'm going to be talking about in this video.

If you guys are just joining me for the first time, I'm John from On this channel I teach you how to be a simpler programmer. No, what I do is I teach you how to develop the soft skills that you need to kick ass as a programmer, to upgrade your career, get a better job, make more money. And hey, if you want to build a business and become financially independent, you'll learn some of that here too. So I have a book called Soft Skills Software Developer Life Manual. I think you'll like that if you like this channel, click subscribe if you haven't already. And I do have another book The Complete Software Developer Career Guide. They're some of the best selling software development books. So if you haven't checked them out, go check them out. And yeah. So we're going to talk about this today.

This was something that had just come up recently. I was talking to a guy that I was coaching from my other company, Bulldog Mindset, and he was wanting to get out of the job that he's in right now. And he wants to become a software developer. Okay? So he was looking at a bootcamp as an option. And this is sort of the advice I gave him. Right? I said, “Look, here's the deal, all right? Go ahead and enroll in a bootcamp.” Like, you figure something around $15,000, maybe $20,000 is what it'll cost you. Now, some of you say, “That's a lot of money.” Not really. Not considering the investment, not considering how much you might pay to go to college even for a year or a semester. That's really not that much of money to invest in yourself. Especially if you're going to be able to get possibly a six figure job right afterwards.

And I'm not selling anything. I'm not advertising anything here. I'm not promoting a bootcamp, but I'm telling you that I have worked with a lot of developers and so many stories. I've heard of people just doing that. Now, a lot of people get upset when I say that they're already software developers. And they say, “Well, yeah, you can't just go to school for three months and then become a developer.” Only if you do it the right way. All right? So this is what I told them. I said, “Okay, look. Here's what I want you to do, all right? I want you to spend the next two weeks researching bootcamps. Okay?” “Find some good bootcamps, do your homework. Find some good ones that will work, that are full-time bootcamps, like a three-month program. Something like that. Don't worry too much about the price. It's not going to matter that much. Look for something that's quality where people are getting good results, that looks like something that you'd be interested in doing, okay?”

“Then enroll in the bootcamp. Okay? And before you go to the bootcamp, spend one month ahead of time looking at their course curriculum for the bootcamp. What are they going to teach you? And spending that month learning as much of it as you can on your own. Just go out there on YouTube, go out there on the internet, maybe buy a course if you want, whatever it is. Just out there and start learning as fast as you can everything that they're going to teach you before they teach it to you. Okay?”

And if you want actually a course on how to learn anything quickly, I've got a course down below, or you can click a link in the description or in the cards, 10 Steps Learn Anything Quickly. It's one of my most popular courses for a simple programmer. So anyway, I told them do this. Okay? And here's the idea behind doing this. If you do this, what's going to happen when you come to the bootcamp, okay? When you come to the bootcamp, you're going to be one of those kids that comes into the bootcamp. And he's not a kid. He was like 29 or 30. All right? And you're going to be the know-it-all. Okay? The person who already knows the answers to the questions, who's going to be able to help other people. Who's going to be the teacher's pet. All right?

Now there might be someone smarter than you. That's fine. It doesn't matter. But the point is, you'll be at the top of the class at the beginning. Most people that fail and mess up in bootcamps or don't get a job afterwards, they end up in the bottom 50% of the class or they fall behind or it's too much work for them and they get overwhelmed. You're buffering this to make sure that doesn't happen. Not only that, it's … I told them, I said, “When you go to the bootcamp, it's usually going to be like an eight hour day, maybe a nine hour day or whatever, you spend 12 hours, okay?

Spend the eight hours of the bootcamp and then spend four hours after the bootcamp, staying there, helping other students. Okay? Studying harder, working on your project, talking to the teachers of the bootcamp and asking if you can help them. If there's any projects, you can help them with, anything that you can do to help them. Okay? And do that for the whole three months you're there. It's a lot of work. It's a lot of effort, but I can almost guarantee you, as close as I can … Now now think about this logically guys, All right? What's going to happen?

Most likely, okay, the person, running the bootcamp, the teachers running that bootcamp, they're all the time talking with the recruiters, they're talking with the companies that place clients, you know, customers from the bootcamp in. All right? And so when they're having some talk, right? It's not just going to be all resumes and aptitude. They're going to have the talks with these people. And they're going to say, “Hey, actually I got this one guy, he's really, really good. He's probably like the best guy in the class. He's already came in knowing all this stuff. He works really, really hard. He stays after every day and he helps the other students. He's just like an excellent … ” They're going to be fighting over you. They're going to be fighting over you, to pay you probably a six figure job. You're probably going to have a lot of opportunity, okay?

And again, it's not to say that you're not going to learn anything. Because you're going to learn a ton just immersing yourself into something for three months. Especially if you're spending 10, 12 hours a day working on it. Believe me, you can learn a lot. You can learn what takes someone 10 years to learn in three months if you're willing to put in that work. I know that sounds crazy, but it's not at all. Immersion is extremely, extremely powerful. Let me just ask you, how many of you guys took a foreign language for four years of high school? Or maybe even into college. And can you actually speak that language? No. Okay? Very few of you can actually speak that language. Yet, you can take someone who's never heard of the language before, whatever language, okay? And you can put them in an immersion school for six weeks, right? Where they're working on it 10 hours a day, and then they're staying with a family that speaks that language only, and they will become fluent. Okay? In 10 weeks.

So that's the difference, man. So that's what I recommend. Okay? If you really want to do this, you really want to do a bootcamp, do it and make sure that you're the top 1% of the class. Okay? Put in the extra work, put in the effort to do that, and then give it time. Right? So imagine that after the bootcamp, you're going to spend the next six months looking for a job. Actively applying for three to four jobs a day. Okay? If you do that, it's almost guaranteed you're going to get the result. Okay? But so many people, they don't the thing that's guaranteed.

And this is just a little life hack for you guys. Right? I was talking to a guy on my other YouTube channel on Bulldog Mindset, Ryan Magic. And he has the same … What do I say all the time? I don't have the shirt on, “Trust the process,” right? He had the same process. He was talking about how he did … He signed up to do seminars every week for three years. Okay? He had no idea how to do a seminar. He was afraid. He didn't know if he's going to make any money. But he said that by just saying, “I'm going to do it every week for three years,” he knew he would succeed if he did that. Okay? He took it from the micro to the macro. It's the same thing here. If you apply a certain set of steps and you trust that process, right?

When you think about what I just told you, if you do all the things I told you, how could you possibly fail? It's very unlikely. Right? When I first learned to juggle, what did I do? I went up to my room. I took a whiteboard, I took a marker, I took three pairs of socks. All right? I took the pairs of socks, rolled them into balls. I threw them up in the air, tried to juggle. Okay? And then I put a tick on the white board. My goal was to put a thousand ticks on the whiteboard. I didn't get there. Okay? Because I was juggling pretty much perfectly by before 200. Okay?

But the whole idea was that I had this process that could not possibly fail. If I go to a thousand ticks on that whiteboard, do you think anyone that's watching this video, do you think anyone wouldn't be able to juggle if they tried it a thousand times? If you try it a thousand times, you'll do it. Right? I saw this brilliant course that was being advertised on my Instagram feed. And it was called Learn to Back Flip in 30 Days. Do a certain thing for 30 days, follow this program, you'll learn how to do a back flip. Everything in life is like that.