Introducing The Get Up And Code Podcast!

Written By John Sonmez

I’m very excited to announce a brand new podcast Iris Classon and I have put together called “Get Up And Code!”


I’ve always wanted to do a podcast, but I’ve been looking for the right topic and right co-host and I believe I have finally found both.

Get Up And Code! (Developer Podcast About Fitness And Nutrition)

Podcast website:

iTunes link:!/id646958161logo300x300

Even though I spend a lot of time talking about code and programming, fitness and nutrition are a big part of my life.

I’ve been lifting weights and running for about 18 years.  Over the course of that time, I have learned quite a bit about gaining muscle, losing weight, running and many other topics—mainly from my own mistakes in those areas.john-fit (Mobile)

Iris Classon, my co-host, is clinical dietitian and international personal trainer who also does bodybuilding (on the fitness scale), ultra running and extreme sports.  But, if you are reading my blog, you probably know her as that pink haired coder and Telerik evangelist.iris_classon_fitness (Mobile)

We decided that our shared love for all things code and all things fitness is probably also an overlap that many other programmers and IT professionals have as well.

So, we decided to do something that hasn’t been done before—create a fitness and nutrition podcast targeted at the IT industry.

An experiment

Neither of us hosted a podcast before, although we’ve both been on Hanselminutes and I’ve been on The Tablet Show a couple of times.

This will be a bit of an experiment and things might be a bit rocky at first, but I am sure we’ll find our way.

If you’d like to support us in our efforts, please spread the news, follow @GetUpAndCode on twitter and like our Facebook page!