10 Upcoming Technology and Programming Trends Set for 2022

Written By Ankit Kumar

programming trendsThe world, undoubtedly, relates a lot to technology and there is likely no business or organization that is not striving hard to keep pace with the fast-moving technological trends. As the year 2022 approaches, it is interesting to observe the upcoming programming and technology trends that are set to drive innovation and modernization.

Adding fuel to the digitization fire is the pandemic. Technology has, since long, been an integral component of any organization. But, during the trying times and even after that, the globe has seemed to realize the potential and worth of embedding technology advancements into the routine business operations. Because of increased need for remote working and mobile operations, there is a heavy implementation of different high-tech trends across industries, be it small, medium, or large sized.

The continually increasing data volume, want for sustainability and rapidly growing computing speed are acting as the significant drives of digital revolution. Newer trends are being observed and existing trends continue to step further. The trends seen are coming out to be most lucrative and competitive in terms of profitability, performance acceleration and revenue generation.

Let us have a look at the key upcoming technology and programming trends that will be seen throughout 2022.

1. Artificial Intelligence Assisted Areas Widen Their Scope of Work

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a modern-day concept that has spread its wings in almost all industry segments, in varied ways. AI has led to effective automation of processes, increased efficiency, and productivity gain. Adding feathers to its cap, the coming year shall see development in the following different arenas:

  • Healthcare and Wellness: **AI-based wearable devices will assist in analysing patient history and offer flexible treatment models
  • Low Code Development: AI-driven low code platforms will help in saving time in writing huge code snippets
  • Support to Vehicles: Self-driving vehicles will be on a rise, thanks to AI based support
  • Advance Software Development: AI-assisted software development and app creation will increase development speed and revolutionize developer experience
  • Affective AI: Affective AI computing will help in applying emotions to software programs through deep learning

2. Blockchain Technology Will Be More in Use

Blockchain has been a popular technology, highly effective against data leakages and cyberattacks. The chain-like design and data pattern that it creates, as it stores data in blocks, has been key to its success amidst huge conglomerates. As the new year comes up, the implementation of this technology will widen across more industry segments. The healthcare segment, banking and finance, education and eLearning and many others will leverage the potential of Blockchain.

There will be complicated algorithms in place that will make data access accurate and safe. It will be almost impossible for cyberthreats to take place, thanks to Blockchain. Decentralization in blockchain has been referring to transfer of control from a centralized unit to a distributed network. The implementation of this decentralization logic will become vital as the data will be stored at different places, not allowing easy access to it, through malicious attacks. For 2022, Blockchain trends like ERC Tokens, Ethereum, NFTs, Blockchain-as-a-Service, Stablecoins, Decentralized Finance and more are popping up in news stories.

3. 5G Network to Increase Range Boundaries

5G is the next-gen cellular technology that is offering exceptional connectivity speed and there is more to come. 5G networks will cover 40% of the world by 2024, handling 25% of all mobile traffic data. This means that 5G will assist organizations by strengthening big data analytics, catalysing the AI wave, implementing network slicing, offering better capacity and coverage. The data transmission through 5G is fast, effective, and reliable, all due to its high-frequency transmission radio waves. The year to come shall experience a big impact of 5G on major industry ones since it will directly affect the speed, performance, and data transmission activities.

There will be effective connectivity of automatic vehicles with the Internet, implementation of virtual reality and Internet of Things. The high-speed transfer of data via 5G will enable receiving and transmitting data on the same wavelength through effective features like Millimetre waves, massive MIMO, full duplex, microcells etc.

4. Low Code Development Will Be the New Coding Preference

programming trendsLow code development or No code development is the new way to smart coding. This trending development approach has visual interfaces, simple logic, and drag and drop features as its key USP, making it one of the most sought-after programming techniques for the coming year. The process has been instrumental in lessening the need for specialized technical skills, thereby, fastening the software development technique.

The year 2022 is to witness an increasing number of users for low code development since it creates applications almost twice as fast as the traditional way of doing it. There will be more enterprise level applications that will leverage this way of programming, by creating larger apps with cost optimization. Thereby, Organizations will find it easy to integrate the tools with their business techniques. As the world of coding moves towards an almost no-code revolution, there will be increasing integration of latest technologies with business activities with less need for skilled resources or programming logic.

5. Cybersecurity Will Get Smarter and More Prominent

Cybersecurity has been crucial in protecting applications and networks from cyberattacks and ransomware attacks. Until now, there have been traditional methods like firewall, attempting to offer security but with technology advancement, the need for a stringent cybersecurity policy is needed. And that is what the new year holds in place for us all.

Effective cybersecurity apps will play an important role in protecting systems against major cybersecurity threats such as phishing attacks, cloud-based data breaches, security threat to IoT devices, deepfakes, malicious advertising etc. Smarter techniques, effective algorithms, cybersecurity mesh, implementation of security testing right from the start are few of the key highlights in the coming year.

6. Cloud Spending Will be More in the Coming Year

The current situation has enforced increased usage of cloud-based services. The work-from-home regime has compelled organizations to get their systems working from the cloud, assuring business continuity, flexibility, increased collaboration, performance and automatic software integration Global end-user spending on public cloud services is expected to exceed $480 billion by 2022. The year to come shall witness increased spending on cloud systems and cloud computing.

Although the total spend on technology may not increase much, there will be a sharp rise in the way organizations start using cloud-based infrastructure for their data. Companies will witness a surge with the implementation of SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS solutions in 2022, for effective implementation of projects and management of teams. Organizations look forward to increased flexibility and productivity with usage of cloud driven development and services.

7. Microservices and Container Management Are Seeing an Expansion

Container management – a process to automate creation, deployment and scaling of containers and Microservices – arranging applications as a collection of loosely-coupled services, are the latest trends in software development and 2022 shall observe increased usage of the same . Organizations can look forward to round-the-clock security, scalability, and accessibility by implementing these technologies. The global market is expected to rise high and huge conglomerates like Amazon, Uber, eBay, Netflix, SoundCloud and many more will garner the best out of these newer trends.

It is expected that almost all applications will have Microservices to enhance designing, debugging, updating, and leveraging code. Microservices will continue to assist organizations in lessening downtime, making the best out of resources and lessening infrastructure-related costs.

As a part of effective packaging for deployment, Containers will also be in great demand, especially for the enterprise, owing to its agility, innovation, and portability. Most organizations will be executing containerized applications with best of container management in production infrastructure.

8. Robotic Process Automation Will Increasingly Automate Mundane Tasks and More

Robotic Process Automation (RPA), as the name suggests, has been garnering high-end efficiency numbers by automating repetitive activities through machines and algorithms. Gartner Says Worldwide Robotic Process Automation Software Revenue to Reach Nearly $2 Billion in 2021. It has proven to be beneficial in speeding up the work done by humans and relieve them from many mundane processes.

As the world understands the worth of RPA, there are a greater number of organizations going in for this technology. In the year to come, the world of technology shall witness usage of bots, automated processes, autonomous robots, mobile robots etc. connected to the software programs through AI-driven intelligence. AI and machine learning techniques will be more in use to get linked with RPA.

9. Progressive Web Apps Is the Future Trend

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) have been offering the best of both worlds – native apps and website availability. PWA are perfect for operating offline, offering great user experience, sending push notifications, and availing GPS, camera etc. with ease. Since PWA are lightweight and easy to manage, there are an increasing number of users who are choosing it as their preferred choice.

Organizations shall go in for PWA rather than choosing native app development, in the coming year. PWA, cost wise, is easy to maintain and hence, why more startups are opting for it. Organizations like Forbes, Wego, Treebo, Zee5, Twitter Lite are successfully leveraging PWA and lessening their page load time. And this is just the start of the list. There will be many more organizations implementing PWA, in this year to come.

10. Smart Homes and Industries with IoT and IIoT Is the In Thing

programming trendsAs technology gets smarter, so will our personal and professional spaces. Implementation of Internet of Things (IoT)/Industrial IoT (IIoT) has led to a revolution in the way physical objects connect digitally and offer us a technically elevated lifestyle. IoT talks about connecting physical objects over the network through sensors, software etc. and IIoT refers to connecting instruments, devices etc. with the industrial applications. It is almost impossible to believe the power of this technology, but it is true.

IIoT will help companies facilitate for effective integration within devices, machines, sensors used in the manufacturing procedures, collecting data, and analysing it for further decision making. Companies like Augury, Axzon, ThetaRay, Cartasite and many more have been enjoying the goodness of IoT and IIoT and there surely will be more to come in 2022.

Technology is ruling and the above trends are proof of a technologically advanced year coming up. The pandemic has acted as a catalyst in driving the wheels of digitization at a faster speed.

These technology and programming trends for 2022 will become a game changer for almost all businesses – be it startups, medium sized industries or enterprises. They will lead to enhanced client experience, productivity, profitability and maximized revenue. There is surely no looking back!