5 Challenges for Software Developers Working Remotely

Written By Rajesh Bhimani

challenges working remotelyThe sudden hit of the pandemic has changed the routine of people, specifically those going to office. From being switched from meeting your colleagues daily to being isolated for long durations, the impacts of remote working have been concerning for many.

Website Development, App Development, etc. are mostly done through remote work these days, as companies find it less expensive to get it done remotely rather than forming an in-house development team. The Global workplace Analytics survey narrated that the trend of remote work has increased 103% since 2005. A 6.5 % hike in this trend was seen in 2014 alone. It was also expected that 50 % of the workforce will work remotely by 2020 which can be seen clearly on how true it is.

In the present times, some companies have been allowing their employees to work from home while some have called their employees to office.  Challenges prevail for everyone but remote work has put up some new problems in limelight that need to be discussed in detail.

The same goes for the Software developers.

A software developer on remote work may face many challenges given to the lack of resources and other things as compared to that offered at the office. But, where there’s a will there’s a way. For all the challenges a software developer can face remotely, we have provided practical solutions for you to try and fight them like a pro.

So, let’s get started!

Technological Problems

It is the most haunting thing that a software developer may fear while working remotely. An internet outage or a computer malfunction, or other things can be one of the biggest challenges that can interrupt their hard work.

Even with decent Wi-Fi at home, video conferencing and virtual meetings can be frustrating due to internet glitch.

Solution: Always have a backup ready to avoid getting mini heart attacks in between work. Always have two options for internet connection and a laptop for backup if your computer malfunctions. It can prove to be a lifesaver.

Reduced Human Interaction

Working in your own space may seem great at first, but with days of obsolete human interaction, one can feel isolated. One can experience it more if they are living alone or away from their family.

It also affects work and increases fatigue, thus reducing your efficiency and productiveness.

Solution: There are three ways you can fix the challenge of isolation: Change your work environment and take breaks, plus make sure you get interaction outside work hours.

Work in another location.  A changed environment… You might work in a co-working space (if it’s safe to do so  where you are) for the vibe of a second office, or just pick a different spot to work in.

Timely breaks. Take short breaks every… You might chat with a coworker over Slack or text a friend. It’s a good mood-booster…

or if can also try out various break methods like

90 Break Method

Work for 90 minutes and take a 20 min break and so on.

challenges working remotely

The above image depicts how you can distribute your work time frame with consecutive 90 minutes work and 20 minutes break. It has been known that a person can work productively for straight 90 minutes. Thus, this practice will help you get more work done with the right amount of break time to rest and refresh.

The 52-17 Method

Work for 52 minutes and take a break for 17 minutes.

This method helps to bring out the best in a person in terms of focus and productivity.

Communication Gap

Virtual Meetings can create communication issues and can create misunderstanding at work. It not only affects the work but also the relationship with your colleagues at work.

An interrupted internet can be problematic if you miss out on an important point, the work deadline or other.

Solution: You should take the first step of contacting the people you want to clear things with. Share your phone number or a Google Voice number so that anyone can communicate easily with you.

In a video meeting, turn on your cameras and pay attention during the meetings. When you keep your camera turned off, your attention automatically reduces for a moment.


Distractions come in different ways. Working remotely has no one checking up on you to see if you are working or not so you tend to divert your attention to other things. You may overuse social media or take naps overtime in the middle of work.

No one is that perfect to remain unaffected by distractions, especially when they’re at home they are most comfortable. So, to keep your focus on work, try these solutions.


  • Set up work schedules to avoid getting distracted while working as a software developer on a remote basis. Make your working environment clear of the gadgets that are of no use in your work.
  •  A change of work environment can also help you stay focussed on work. You can try the co-working spaces as your second office to work dedicatedly during the working hours. If you don’t have one, try to separate your working space at your home from your personal space. It will help you get a vibe of working at the office and be more productive.

Working overtime

With a myth that people who work remotely do less work, the pandemic has proved that people tend to work more remotely.

The CNBC survey has reported that 72% of technology executives' team workloads had increased more.

With so much pressure of work, remote working software developers forget when they have to stop. The possibility of working overtime rises and eventually increases the stress.

It can also create a feeling of mental breakdown and burnout that would make you feel exhausted and tired all the time.


  • Set Alarms
  • To avoid working excessively, set reminders to take breaks and to get on and off from work. There are many apps such as Standapp that will even guide you to do some exercise in that break time to enhance your productivity in work.
  • This way you will never lose all your time to work and can make time for yourself too.
  • Separate space for work
  • With a physical boundary between your working and personal space, you can save yourself from working overtime.Dedicate a separate room or corner in your house for your office work with your laptop, organisers and other things all organised on the table.
  • Start by setting up a home office.
  • It will help you become more productive while working as a software developer from your home.

Remote challenges don’t have to be challenging

These are some of the challenges faced by every software developer working remotely. With each challenge, practice the solutions to become more productive and make the most out of working in the new normal.

Remember to work dedicatedly through the working hours with short breaks in between. Eat healthy food as much as you can. Communicate well with your colleagues and make most out of the time you save while working from home.

Working as a software developer and that too remotely can be very challenging. One may see only the perks, but the number of challenges one faces may surpass the perks. So, beat the challenges and enjoy your work remotely!

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